Inside the Factory: Cherry Healey's health scare after wedding collapse, divorce and life as a singl

Publish date: 2024-06-16

Cherry Healey is a rising star on British TV becoming renowned for her talent as a documentary maker.

Best known for Inside the Factory with Masterchef's Gregg Wallace, as well as numerous other shows on the BBC tackling topics from childbirth and body issues to dating and money.

Cherry's fearless approach to topics includes discussion of her own life, and she revealed a few years ago that a collapse she suffered in 2009 at her best friend's wedding that left her with permanent health issues.

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Cherry, 41, is also a proud mother of two and has spoken out about the challenges of raising kids as a single mum since her divorce.

She married her long-term partner Roly Allen back in 2010 and the pair had a daughter Coco, 11, and Bear, 7.

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Speaking about her and Roly's 2016 split Cherry has since said to the Belfast Telegraph : "At the time, two years ago, it was awful. We'd been married for six years and together for eight and suddenly it felt like throwing my life up in the air and waiting to see where it landed.

"It involves so much sorting out of finances, a home; so you can't crumble. You have to be strong, yet inside your heart's breaking and it's intensely painful.

"I had loads of work on and had to keep my emotions in a box until the evenings when I would just sob and sob and have chocolate snacks in the early hours of the morning."

After the breakup though, Cherry started weekly therapy sessions and credits that along with socialising and regular exercise as her key to staying on top of her mental health.

In the same interview she also spoke about the challenges she had to adapt to as a single parent.

She said: "At first I really pushed myself to be on top of their homework, made sure I saw all their school letters, and their uniform was smart. I thought, 'Why am I going the extra mile?' and realised it was because I didn't want people to have any reason to judge me.

"There's this totally wrong social stigma around single parenting which I hope will eventually disappear. I'm happy I was a good parent when I was married, and I'm still just as good a parent now I'm single."

Cherry has also spoken about a health scare she had back in 2009 to the Express.

While at a friend's wedding, Cherry knew she had a urinary tract infection (UTI) and had suffered them regularly since age 12, but she wasn't aware of how serious they can be.

"I had left it far too long,” she said recalling the day. “I was mainlining painkillers and in a real state, sweating and feeling shaky but I just carried on and went to the wedding as I didn’t want to let anyone down.”

She managed to walk up the aisle as a bridesmaid but couldn't eat anything and later collapsed on a bed where her then husband found her and took her home.

"By the Sunday I was sheet white, had a terrible migraine and felt like death, so finally took myself to A&E. They admitted me instantly and I was in hospital for five days.”

By this point the UTI had actually spread to Cherry's kidneys and doctors were very concerned by her blood tests.

“They did an ultrasound and discovered because I had left it so long, my kidneys were permanently damaged; they will always be scarred from the infection.”

She says she now takes UTIs much more seriously, acting as soon as she notices symptoms.

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